2012년 1월 9일 월요일

Lighting Pictures Takes A Little Thought

We all like to think that we have exquisite Motorcycle taste when it comes to decorating our homes. A piece of furniture in one particular spot will look wonderful, or a throw rug will really draw the eye. However, it is what we put on the walls that really say something more. Not only that, it is the way that we use illumination to accentuate the colors and the style of the art that also Car & Truck Parts counts in our favor. For example, picture lighting is essential for the room to take on a wonderful glow and LED picture lights do this job rather well. It is often Watch Cell Phone the case that we do not really know what we want to do to a room to bring that cozy or chic look to it. Those who have some interesting photos or paintings will often build up the decor of the room around one or two pieces like this. Indeed, if the colors are reflected in the room and its furnishings, the look will be remarkable.These fittings come in many different styles and brightness and it just depends on what is being illuminated. For example, some paintings may need a bright and white light while others will merely need a soft glowing illumination. Either way, there are enough fittings on the market these days for people to make the right choice. Most of these fittings are built in a similar way. It is how they are powered which differs. Some will be battery operated while others will source power directly from the mains. Both have their place in the home and it all depends on where the painting will hang. For example, if the place is in the bathroom, it is well known that power and water are not really supposed to be near each other. In this instance, a battery operated unit would be ideal. For those who want to be 'green', the batteries can be recharged regularly so that there will always be illumination at the ready.There are also some differences when it comes to mounting these gadgets too. Some will be wired directly into the mains and affixed directly to the frame, while others will be clipped onto the frame and leave wires trailing down to the socket point. Yet others have a hook attached which means that the unit is put onto the wall and the painting hung from the hook. This saves damaging the wall too much and when the fixture is moved, the painting can go along with it.Making sure that the bulb width is correct for the size of painting is important as this can spoil the effect if not done properly. Too wide and there will be too much illumination which will show up the wall surrounding the painting, too small and it will just illuminate the center of it and not the corners. The ideal width for the bulb is half to two thirds and this should be chosen to accentuate the art work without being too bright.

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