2011년 12월 27일 화요일

Chinese Conception Chart for Getting a Guess at Your Babys Gender

For centuries, women have used several unusual means for guessing the gender of their baby. One of the more elaborate ways to "figure out" the unborn child's gender is the Chinese Conception Chart.This document was believed to be found in a tomb over seven hundred years ago.The chart is now on display at the Beijing Institute of Science in China.This chart is fun to use, but is not based on anything technical. Even if it is accurate does not mean that it should be taken seriously. It takes the age of the pregnant woman and the month of conception and decides whether the baby will be a boy or girl. Supposedly to get results that are more accurate it is better to use the lunar months instead of regular months. The months run 29 days in the lunar Air Swimmers months. The age that you are when becoming pregnant is usually a hit or miss with one of the sexes on the chart. Ages on the chart of more likely having a girl on an 18 to 45 range are 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, and 34. The ages more likely of having a boy are 18, 20, 23, 26, 31, and 43. Ages 19, 24, and 33 are close with girls only being more common on a scale of 7 to 5. The same 7 to 5 ratio can be applied to the ages 25, 27, 36, 37, 41, and 44. These ages, however, boys are out numbering girls. Ages 28, 29, 35, 39, 40, 42, and 45, it is a fifty -fifty chance of having a girl or boy.The conception months on the chart are not as diverse as the ages, but there are some odds to take into account. The odds of having a boy are 3 to 4 in January, February, May and October, and an outstanding 9 to 19 in July. The odds are 15 to 13 of having a girl in June, August, September, and November, and 3 to 4 in April. In March and December you have the same chance of having a boy as you do air angry bird of having a girl.It varies month to month and age to age, but the chart is not a science. This was most likely devised by Chinese people to make certain months and ages look better for having boys. Either way though, it is a fifty-fifty chance of having a boy or girl.The Chinese conception chart is a fun thing to use when pregnant. It is interesting to find out if the chart was correct or Air Swimmers not. It is always curious to look behind the chart at the overall chances. This is not scientific though and has no basis other than to have fun. Although, it sometimes proves accurate that does not mean you should get your hopes up that whatever you fall into will bring you a boy or girl. Do not get ahead of yourself when using this chart. Always, see your doctor about the sex of your baby.

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