2011년 12월 21일 수요일

Internet Reputation Management As a Means of Fighting Negative Reviews

Although the Internet has made it easier for people to find information about many goods and services it has also facilitated the ability of malicious individuals to spread hateful lies, making it difficult to separate such content from honest and objective reviews. It's a problem that is largely prevalent in the area of Internet travel websites, especially on the one known as TripAdvisor.TripAdvisor is a website whose focus is upon travel advice. It allows visitors to read reviews about the hotels and restaurants in cities they may be interested in Nail Brush visiting or post reviews about those places they have visited. However, because the site does not require participants to register an account, it is very easy for newcomers with less than honorable intent to sign up and post libellous remarks for no other reason but because they can.Because of this, many restaurants and hotels have lost valuable business due to such undeserved negativity. Normally, one would turn to legal recourse in the face of such anonymous hostility. However, the anonymity of TripAdvisor users - and many other Internet users as well - means that it is difficult to unmask such hate mongers, and legal costs can easily exceed the value of such efforts. Furthermore, there is a high likelihood that a lawsuit will exacerbate a company's publicity problems.The best solution to such a problem is to turn to companies that specialize in Internet reputation management. Such companies take advantage of the nature of the Web by expanding on the search value of positive references to their clients. For example, they can hunt for good reviews and collaborate with car led lights other websites to increase the links to these references in order to push them to top of search results from sites like Google.As such, clients can get positive Tripadvisor reviews simply by making the presence of positive appraisals more widespread. Such companies can also go the extra mile by increasing the amount of positive material by writing additional content such as positive reviews and producing marketing material that addresses the concerns of the client.Assisting those clients who need good reviews is more than just spamming the web with repetitive content. Rather, the production of content for this goal must be varied enough as not get flagged by search engines attempting to filter out poorly concealed marketing. In effect, the client's reputation is restored by finding ways to draw the attention of search engines to positive references.

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댓글 1개:

  1. Great article about Corporate Reputation Management, this is really a good information for Internet Reputation Management. Thanks to you.....
